Tuesday, June 4, 2013


So I'm going to start painting *gasp* but since I do not underestimate my procrastination skills, I'm going to focus on one army.  The plans are that I will use it for Adepticon next year.  Yes, the procrastination skills are strong in this one.  ;)

So any opinions?

Ariadna: Merovingian Rapid Response Force
Aleph: Steel Phalanx

I've got other options as well, but these seem like the least played and I might as well do something different so I'm not just another PanO force.  :-D

Monday, May 27, 2013


I'm still alive!  It's been a busy break but I'm back.

I've posted a few product reviews on Datasphere:
Sarissa Precision Product Review (System Pods)
BPLaser Product Review (Scatter Terrain)
Warsenal Product Review (Small and Large Containers)
Warsenal Product Review (Custom Tokens)

In other updates, I'm getting a compressor/airbrush so hopefully soon we'll start seeing some painted stuff!  

Finally, Bunk09 is working on Infinity terrain as well, and it is incredible.  I'll give you a hint, Choo Choo!  ;)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I'm not dead yet!

Wow...  I don't know if anyone frequents this place but I've been fairly neglectful lately.
I have more pictures coming soon including and plan on starting some terrain soon as well.

Stay tuned!